6 million ways to live, choose one…

I’ve got a snazzy new wacom tablet at work, because I’ve also recently been given a company credit card and needed to erm, test it out. The most recent edition of linux format tells me support under linux is pretty much flawless. It is, save for the fact that it doesn’t _quite_ map to the screen so you end up re-drawing a line across the surface to allow it to re-centre itself – apparently this is fixed on 0.7.8 of the linuxwacom package whilst Fedora 7 is still stuck on 0.7.4 and without the control panel app that adjusts various settings for the tablet as well. A quick bugzilla query pulled up this little beauty so I CC’d myself and will probably have moan about it on the -devel list tomorrow at some point.

In other news, one year on, he’s still metal.

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